S’Cool Moves Keeps Riverview Elem. on Track

Amie Pincumbe, a Title 1 English and language arts teacher at Riverview Elementary School in Big Rapids, MI, received a grant to implement the S’Cool Moves program, which uses various exercises to help kids calm down quickly at the start of the day and after recess, and also gives a boost to children who need help focusing or have other minor issues. It quickly expanded beyond her classroom to the entire school.
Here’s their story – a longer version, as well as one with the highlights.

Amie Pincumbe, a Title 1 English and language arts teacher at Riverview Elementary School in Big Rapids, MI, received a grant to implement the S’Cool Moves program, which uses various exercises to help kids calm down quickly at the start of the day and after recess, and also gives a boost to children who need help focusing or have other minor issues. It quickly expanded beyond her classroom to the entire school.
Here’s their story – a longer version, as well as one with the highlights.